From January 9th to 11th, 2023, the 20th OMAINTEC Conference (International Operations & Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries) took place in Saudi Arabia’s capital, with the main topic “The Role of Maintenance in Sustainability, Environment and clean Energy”. Participation was extensive, from Arab countries, Europe and Africa.
Two members of Slovenian Maintenance Society and EFNMS (European Federation of National Maintenance Societies), Janez Tomažin and Andrej Androjna participated with lectures and joint workshop on Asset Management, within the stream Maintenance Systems & Management Forum.
As a president of EAMC (European Asset Management Committee) at EFNMS, Janez Tomažin had a speech during the opening ceremony and presented the activities of the committee and EFNMS as a whole.
Andrej Androjna, a member of EMAC (European Maintenance Assessment Committee) at EFNMS, delivered the lecture on Practical Experience from Implementation of Asset Management System in the HSE Group. Besides Janez Tomažin, Andrej Androjna and Damjan Maletič, PhD, who worked as external consultants on the project, customer’s project manager, Igor Voršič, and primary sponsor, Matjaž Eberlinc, PhD, also co-authored the paper.
Asset Management is becoming quite popular in Saudi Arabia and several organizations have got certified in accordance with ISO 55001. The concept is getting traction also at the government level.
Discussions proved Slovenian experts to be well on track with the modern trends in the field, hence we remain determined to further promote the Asset Management and its benefits within our organizations.
Presentations from the conference are available at: